Easy Ways to Optimize Your Outlook Mailbox

Has your mailbox gotten out of hand? Throughout this article, you will learn how to optimize your Outlook with simple tips and the Clean Email solution. Automate your email tasks to save time and create the perfect Outlook Mailbox!

Why Optimize Your Outlook Email

A cluttered Outlook mailbox will decrease effectiveness at work and your productivity.

You may also put off sorting through your emails because your mailbox has become a huge mess.

By optimizing your Outlook email, you will complete more daily tasks, and even enjoy yourself at the same time!

I know that seems far-fetched, but seriously. Having a clean mailbox makes a huge difference in your life. Imagine all those notifications, GONE!

You can optimize your Outlook storage to increase the storage, organisation, and appearance of your emails by using the Clean Email app.

Clean up your Outlook with Clean EmailClean up your Outlook with Clean Email

This app offers many features and tools to enhance your emailing life. For example, you can quickly unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters and even create Auto Clean rules to cut out manual organisation.

Step One: How to Optimize Outlook Mailbox

Here's how to optimize your Outlook mailbox by unsubscribing from unwanted email senders and getting rid of unwanted email subscriptions.

If you never unsubscribe, or accidentally enter your email into a website, you will find your email becomes cluttered daily with spam and unopened emails.


Our Email Unsubscriber is one of the Clean Email’s features to help instantly get rid of unwanted mail landing in your inbox every single day.

By unsubscribing from unwanted newsletters, you will decrease the clutter, and gain more mail storage.

All you need to do is click a button!

  1. Sign in with your mail account here.
  2. Click the Unsubscriber button in the sidebar.
  3. You will see all email subscriptions with three options next to them.
  4. Unsubscribe from emails with Clean EmailUnsubscribe from emails with Clean Email
  5. Click Unsubscribe to get rid of the subscription.
  6. Click Read Later to move future emails from this subscription into a separate ‘Read Later’ folder.
  7. Or click Keep, to keep receiving new emails in your inbox.

Seems super easy, right?

To manually unsubscribe from emails in Outlook you will have to locate an email and find the unsubscribe button hidden in the body text.

Lots of newsletters will hide the option to unsubscribe to avoid you from doing it.

The Clean Email solution cuts out all the hard work!

Step Two: How to Clean Outlook Mailbox

Auto Clean

The Auto Clean from Clean Email will stop you from ever having to complete manual routine email tasks ever again.

Rules are like filters, as soon as an email lands in your inbox, Auto Clean will send it to the right place, either archive, trash, or a different folder.

By creating rules, you will save tons of time throughout your day, all important tasks will be ready, and there will be no email procrastination!

Here’s how to achieve ultimate Outlook organization by using Auto Clean.

  1. Click the Inbox or All mail view from the left-side panel.
  2. Clean up your inbox with Clean EmailClean up your inbox with Clean Email
  3. Select an email and mark the checkbox near the email subject if you want to select all messages from this sender.
  4. Choose an action like Trash on the top panel to apply to the selected messages.
  5. Send your emails to Trash with Clean EmailSend your emails to Trash with Clean Email
  6. A pop-up will appear offering you to create an Auto Clean rule for ‘Selected and future similar emails’.
  7. Send your emails to Trash with Clean Email automaticallySend your emails to Trash with Clean Email automatically
  8. Click Create advanced Auto Clean rule to adjust the specific criteria of the rule (if necessary).
  9. Click Move to Trash and Create Rule.

You can view all Auto Clean rules you have created by clicking the Auto Clean view on the left-side panel. Here you can pause, edit, or remove any rules you create.

Automate email tasks with Clean EmailAutomate email tasks with Clean Email

You will also see updates on when Auto Clean last ran and how many emails have been cleaned.

Read more about how to move Outlook incoming emails into specific folders automatically here!

Cleaning Suggestions

With the Clean Email’s Cleaning Suggestions feature that presents cleaning suggestions to you in various locations throughout the application, you will be prompted to organise more often!

You will find suggestions to clean in the QuickStart Page, within the Navigation Menu, and when you open a Smart Folder.

The Cleaning Suggestions work by analysing data from emails you frequently clean.

For example, if you often delete or archive certain messages, the app will remember the features of these messages to help create suggestions in the future.

The type of data collected are:

But what about my privacy? Don’t worry.

Our app never saves data from your messages and never passes messages through to other users or staff. The only data collected is what is listed above. The app collects this specific data to help create the algorithm.

Other Clean Email’s Features

You can decrease your mailbox size in Outlook and optimise your mailbox by using these handy tools:

Smart Views bundles in Clean EmailSmart Views bundles in Clean Email
Block emails with Clean EmailBlock emails with Clean Email

Top Tips for Cleaning Outlook Mailbox!

Delete Duplicate Emails

Outlook has an automated tool to help you delete duplicated emails. You can half your notifications and mailbox size by getting rid of duplicates!

  1. Open an inbox within the home tab.
  2. Click the clean-up button to view the drop-down menu.
  3. Choose to clean up a folder or clean up a conversation.
  4. Confirm!

Follow our guide on how to automatically delete emails in Outlook.

Find Mailbox Size

A good thing to know when is how to find mailbox size in Outlook.

By knowing your mailbox size in Outlook, you can decide if you need to remove older emails to make space and which emails you need to start deleting.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click FileInfo.
  3. Select toolsMailbox Clean-up.
  4. Now select View Mailbox Size.

Step Three: How to Organize Outlook Mailbox

Here are other handy ways you can optimize Outlook. These tips can be used for Outlook 365 and newer versions!

Create Folders in Outlook

Create folders to help organise your emails, instead of them all being in one place.

Once you have created folders to suit your needs, you can either spend the start of each day organising emails or use Auto Clean to automate your incoming mail.

Some ideas for creating folders are.

Use Task View

In Outlook you can use a task view. To optimise your task view, simply drag important emails to the icon and set reminders for the emails you move!

Use Categories

Categorize your emails to help organize your mailbox and to locate future likewise emails when sorting your mailbox or completing tasks.

To add a category to your message simply open the message, select categorize from the tags group within the ribbon at the top and choose a category.

Other articles you will find helpful:

How to Optimize Outlook - FAQs

How do I optimize my Outlook?

You can optimise your Outlook by unsubscribing from unwanted emails, creating rules and filters to automatically tidy your inbox, and by creating folders to organise emails into.

How can I make my Outlook more efficient?

Make your Outlook more efficient by using folders that work for you. Automated rules help organise your mailbox without any manual work, saving you time to focus on important jobs.

How to keep the Outlook mailbox clean?

To keep your Outlook mailbox clean, simply start by creating folders and using categories to move emails into. Delete any unwanted unimportant emails and archive clutter.

How to increase my mailbox size in Outlook?

To increase mailbox size in Outlook you can delete duplicate emails and remove yourself from unwanted email subscriptions!

How to prioritize emails in Outlook?

Drag important emails into the task view in Outlook. You can then set reminders for these emails to keep on top of important tasks!

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InboxClean Your Mailbox

Tools like Quick Clean and Smart Views to help you quickly clean out an overloaded inbox

Mute unwanted emailsUnsubscribe

Keep unwanted emails out of your Inbox by unsubscribing - even from email lists that don’t have an unsubscribe link

Clean your emailsKeep it Clean

Automate repetitive with Auto Clean rules to archive emails as they become old or sort them into folders

Use filters to find emails you want to clean.Arrow
Screener FeatureArrow
Auto CleanArrow
Sender SettingsArrow