iCloud Email Forwarding: How To Forward Your Emails

Sometimes, you really just need to forward emails you’ve received from someone else to your iCloud mailbox. Luckily, you can use iCloud email forwarding to share those messages with your secondary accounts.

Why Do I Need To Forward iCloud Emails?

When you need to respond to a conversation with someone over electronic communication, you typically press “reply.” However, replying to a message keeps the conversation with the original party. It doesn’t start a new thread with someone else. That’s where forwarding comes in — it lets you share the previous conversation with a new person without continuing the original conversation or cluttering the original message thread.

There are a variety of instances when forwarding iCloud email can be helpful. Sometimes, you need to share information with another person who may not need to respond to the original conversation. Other times, you may need to save a link or an attachment to a different device. In both instances (and others), iCloud email forwarding can be very helpful.

How To Forward iCloud Mail

As previously mentioned, there are many instances where you may need to forward iCloud email to another address. Luckily, it is easy to do once you’re aware of the steps. In fact, you can use the steps outlined below for iCloud forwarding to multiple mail addresses or just a single recipient.

Forwarding email from iCloud Web

  1. Login to your mail account.
  2. Find the message you wish to forward.
  3. Select the message from your message list.
  4. Click the Reply button in the toolbar. Choose Forward from the available options.
  5. Forwarding email from iCloud weblForwarding email from iCloud web
  6. Enter the address you’d like to forward the message to.
  7. Enter the address you’d like to forward toEnter the address you’d like to forward to
  8. Press Send.

Forwarding iCloud email in Apple Mail on Mac

  1. Open the Mail app on your macOS device.
  2. Select the message you’d like to forward from your inbox.
  3. Click on Forward from the options in the Message Header.
  4. Forwarding iCloud email in Apple Mail on MacForwarding iCloud email in Apple Mail on Mac
  5. Add the address of the recipient(s) you plan to send the message to.
  6. If the original message contains an attachment, it will be forwarded with your message as well.
  7. Click the Send button.

iCloud Email Forwarding via the Mobile App

  1. Open the Mail app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap to open the message you plan to forward.
  3. Tap the Reply button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. iCloud email forwarding via the mobile appiCloud email forwarding via the mobile app
  5. Choose Forward from the options.
  6. Enter the address of the new recipient. Type anything you’d like to add above the words Begin Forwarded Message.
  7. Begin Forwarded MessageBegin Forwarded Message
  8. Tap Send.

Forwarding Multiple Messages from iCloud

If you need to forward multiple messages to the same address, you can select multiple messages and condense them into a single forwarded message with iCloud email forwarding.

To do this:

  1. Login to your inbox at iCloud.com.
  2. Hold down the Command key and select the messages you wish to forward.
  3. Select Forward.
  4. All the messages you selected will be condensed into a single message to forward.
  5. Finish up by entering the address you wish to send to.
  6. Press Send.

iCloud Automatic Email Forwarding

Sometimes you may not want to forward individual messages, but rather forward iCloud email to another account so you can check all of your messages in one account. Luckily, automatic email forwarding on iCloud is easy to set up from the web.

How to set up email forwarding for iCloud email on web

  1. Login to your inbox at iCloud.com.
  2. Click on Settings at the top of the Mailboxes list.
  3. Choose Preferences.
  4. Set up email forwarding for iCloud emails on webSet up email forwarding for iCloud emails on web
  5. Click on the General settings tab.
  6. Select Forward My Email To.
  7. Type the address you wish to forward your message to in the text field.
  8. Type the address you wish to forward your message toType the address you wish to forward your message to
  9. Choose whether you want to store a copy of the message on iCloud or not.
  10. Click Done.

How to turn off iCloud email forwarding on web

  1. Login to your inbox at iCloud.com.
  2. Click on Settings at the top of the Mailboxes list.
  3. Choose Preferences.
  4. Click on the General settings tab.
  5. Deselect Forward My Email To.
  6. Click Done.

Keep Your iCloud Mail Organized With Clean Email

Now that you know about iCloud email forwarding, it’s time to learn how to organize iCloud emails. Whether you are forwarding messages to another account or using your iCloud account as your primary form of electronic communication, Clean Email can help you organize messages and maintain a clean inbox.

Clean Email isn’t an email forwarding service, which means it cannot forward messages to another account. However, the app has nearly a dozen unique tools and features that help you remove clutter, organize messages, and keep unwanted messages out of your mailbox.

Clean up your inbox with Clean EmailClean up your inbox with Clean Email

For example, the Unsubscriber feature removes you from newsletters or marketing messages you don’t want to receive. You can also choose to pause certain subscriptions or place messages from certain domains in a dedicated Read Later folder, all from the Clean Email app.

Unsubscribe from emails with Clean EmailUnsubscribe from emails with Clean Email

Similarly, the new Screener feature keeps potentially malicious messages from unknown senders out of your inbox by placing them in a specific folder to quarantine them.

Furthermore, the Smart Folders feature helps organize messages that share commonalities by placing them into bundles you can pull up, much like a filtered inbox.

Smart Views feature in Clean EmailSmart Views feature in Clean Email

Similarly, you can use the Favorites tool to apply your own criteria to sort messages and make shortcuts so you can easily access your favorite filtered views.

Clean Email offers these features and much more, all while handling your data very carefully. We take your privacy very seriously. That’s why your data is encrypted. Furthermore, we will never share, give away, sell, analyze, or use your data for any reason. So, you can enjoy the benefits of a clean inbox without worrying about data leaks or other issues.

Wondering to know how to forward messages from a different email provider? We have guides on how to forward emails from AOL, forward email from iPhone, forward emails from Yahoo, or GoDaddy email forwarding all from the Clean Email blog.

iCloud Mail Forwarding - FAQs

Can iCloud Mail be forwarded?

Yes, you can forward individual messages or multiples through iCloud Mail.

How do I forward iCloud email to Gmail?

You can easily forward messages from iCloud to Gmail. You just need to open the message, click on Forward, and complete the steps to complete sending the message.

Is there a way to automatically forward iCloud email?

Yes, iCloud automatic email forwarding is an option you can set up. You just need to go to Settings → Preferences → General Settings, then select Forward My Email To.

How do I mass forward iCloud emails?

You can use iCloud email forwarding to mass forward every message you receive to your iCloud address. Furthermore, you can select multiple messages to send as a single email.

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