How to Create Outlook Alias and Use It

An Outlook email alias is a great way to send and receive emails using another mail address within your primary account. It’s a useful way to manage different aspects of work and life. An Outlook alias email can save you the hassle of creating a whole new mailbox.

Why and When Should I Use Outlook Email Alias?

An Outlook alias email is great for lots of reasons. For example, you can use it to sign up for subscriptions on shopping websites. People do this to avoid being scammed or hacked.

An alias email can also be used to create separate accounts for work and personal life but in the same Outlook account.

Emails received for different alias addresses can be automatically sent to their own folder to help organise your mailbox.

You may also want an alias account to create a more professional persona (learn more about how to create a professional email address). Maybe your Primary mail address is old and outdated, but you don’t want to create a new account.

Whatever your reason may be, using an Outlook email alias is a great way to change your Outlook email address, without creating a whole new account! Keep reading to learn how to create an alias in Outlook.

How to Add Alias to Outlook

Here's how to create an email alias in Outlook:

  1. Go to the website and sign into your account.
  2. Click the gear icon to show Settings.
  3. Click View all Outlook settings.
  4. Choose MailSync email.
  5. Click Manage or choose a primary alias.
  6. Click ‘Add email’ under the Account alias section and follow the prompts.

You can then choose for emails sent to your Outlook alias to go to a new folder or an existing one. This is a great idea for managing your emails and decluttering your mailbox.

How to Use Email Alias in Outlook Web

Using an Outlook alias email address is super easy:

  1. Go to compose a message.
  2. Choose an alias email address from the drop-down menu where your mail address is shown.

Now your recipients will see your Outlook alias email address, and their response will be sent back to the account you have chosen.

How to Remove an Alias from Outlook Web

If you no longer want to use a certain Outlook address, you can always remove it. Make sure you have nothing important linked to this mail address before you get rid of it!

  1. Go to Manage how you sign in to Microsoft. Sign in to your mail account if needed.
  2. You will see a list of aliases and linked email addresses.
  3. Click Remove next to the alias address you no longer need.

If you remove a primary email alias, you will have to select another one to use for your account.

💡 Note: If you remove a mail address that’s associated with another Microsoft account, it will be deleted, and you won't be able to make an Outlook alias email address using the same email.

Manage Your Mailbox With Clean Email

Although you cannot create an Outlook alias within Clean Email, you can organise and create the mailbox you have always dreamed of.

Clean up your inbox with Clean EmailClean up your inbox with Clean Email

This app is the perfect email management tool to declutter and enhance your email productivity and help you achieve Outlook Inbox Zero.

You can create automated rules, unsubscribe from unwanted subscriptions, and even block senders with the click of a button.

Having a clean and organised inbox will create more time for you to focus on important tasks and cut out email anxiety. Knowing where all important emails are and being on top of replies gives you a great sense of achievement.

Some great features Clean Email has to offer are:

Auto Clean

Auto Clean enables you to create automated rules to help organise your mailbox. You will no longer need to manually move messages to different folders.

Auto Clean feature in Clean EmailAuto Clean feature in Clean Email

Simply select the message you want to apply an Auto Clean rule to, choose an action like ‘send to Trash’ from the action bar on the top, and click the ‘Selected and future similar emails’ option. Then click the ‘Move to Trash and Create Rule’ button.

Move to Trash in Clean Email automaticallyMove to Trash in Clean Email automatically

You can always go to Auto Clean view on the left sidebar and manage your rules - pause, edit, or delete any of them you no longer need.

Auto Clean dashboard in Clean EmailAuto Clean dashboard in Clean Email


Do you have tons of unwanted subscriptions landing in your inbox every day? With Unsubscriber, you can declutter your mailbox with a click of a button.

The Unsubscriber feature in Clean EmailThe Unsubscriber feature in Clean Email

Clicking Read Later option will send emails to a separate folder to further organise your mail, or you can choose to Keep your subscriptions.

Smart Views

Smart Views automatically bundle similar messages into groups. This makes it easier for you to locate and manage your emails quickly.

For example, mail will be grouped into ‘Social media notifications’, ‘Travel’ messages, ‘Emails older than one year’, and more.

Smart Views feature in Clean EmailSmart Views feature in Clean Email

The app also has a Privacy Guard feature. You can run a check to see if your mail account's credentials have been involved in any known security breaches. If your account has been breached, you will be prompted to change your password and add multifactor authentication.

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Outlook Aliases - FAQs

What is an Outlook alias?

It is an email address that uses the same inbox, contact list, and account settings as the primary mail account. This means you can send emails from a different address, using your original account.

How do I use an alias in Outlook?

Once you have created your alias in Outlook, you need to select the mail address you want to send from when composing a message. You can then choose to automatically send all emails to a separate folder to help organise emails.

How do I find my alias in Outlook?

You can find it in Outlook by using the dropdown menu when composing a message, or you can see your alias mail addresses within your account settings. Head into ‘Manage how you sign in to Microsoft’ to edit your aliases.

How do I add an alias to my Outlook account?

To add it to your Outlook account go to Settings → View all Outlook settings → Mail → Sync email. Click ‘Manage or choose a primary alias’. Click ‘Add email’ and follow the prompts.

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InboxClean Your Mailbox

Tools like Quick Clean and Smart Views to help you quickly clean out an overloaded inbox

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Clean your emailsKeep it Clean

Automate repetitive with Auto Clean rules to archive emails as they become old or sort them into folders

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