PolarisMail Settings: POP3, IMAP, and SMTP Servers

PolarisMail is a comprehensive communication solution that provides email, a calendar, contacts, file sharing, and editing features accessible from any location and through any device. This comprehensive guide will show you how to set up your PolarisMail email settings to keep up with the demands of today's communications landscape.

PolarisMail SMTP Settings

SMTP settings are your outgoing mail server; this protocol is solely applicable to outgoing mail. With that, the following are the PolarisMail SMTP settings:

Option Description
SMTP Host: smtp.emailarray.com
SMTP Port: 465 SSL
SMTP Username: Your full email address (name@domain.com)
SMTP Password: Your email account password

PolarisMail Server Settings For Receiving Emails

In contrast to the SMTP settings, the PolarisMail POP and IMAP settings are required to receive messages.

Below are the PolarisMail POP and IMAP settings, respectively:

PolarisMail POP Settings

Option Description
POP3 Host: pop.emailarray.com
POP3 Port: 995
Requires SSL: Yes
POP3 Username: Your full email address (name@domain.com)
POP3 Password: Your email account password

PolarisMail IMAP Settings

Option Description
IMAP Host: imap.emailarray.com
IMAP Port: 993
Requires SSL: Yes
IMAP Username: Your full email address (name@domain.com)
IMAP Password: Your email account password

Useful Information to Remember

To use PolarisMail efficiently, remember the following:

Looking for Kolab Now settings or AT&T email settings? Our Blog's Email Settings category contains specs for all major mail service providers.

POP vs. IMAP Email Servers: How To Choose

Both POP and IMAP protocols retrieve emails from an email server so that you can read them on your device. These systems work with a desktop client application like Thunderbird, Outlook, Apple Mail, Spark, or something similar to connect to your mailbox.

POP was created for a simpler time when you only required one device to access your mailbox. Because constant internet access was not widespread, POP made sense for dial-up connections where you got online, did your work, and then disconnected.

💡 Note: Although POP offers some advantages in certain contexts, it is now essentially obsolete. Even if you leave a copy of the message on the server, it shouldn't get used for checking emails from numerous devices; thus, you can run into significant issues.

IMAP got established to provide access to emails saved on a remote server from anywhere in the world. The concept is to let many clients manage the same inbox, which is how most people use email nowadays. Because the emails and folder structure get saved on the server, you will see the same emails and folder structure whether you log in from your home or work computer. Moreover, you will not have to worry about misleading duplicated inboxes because your changes immediately sync to the server.

Finally, IMAP is better if you want to access your mailbox from various devices, such as a work computer and a smartphone; POP3 is better if you have one device and many emails.

In the end, IMAP is still the protocol of choice for the vast majority of people.

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