What Is A Phishing Email?


💡 A phishing email is an email that’s made to look like it comes from a legitimate and trusted source. When a user opens this type of email, they’ll be taken to a bogus website where they’ll be asked to share sensitive information.

Example: What does a phishing email look like?

Phishing emails look like regular email messages. They can have several versions, but they share common signs like:

  • Spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Threatening messages or messages with a sense of urgency
  • Suspicious or inconsistent email addresses or domain names

What does a phishing email try to do?

Phishing emails trick individuals into sharing their personal information like passwords or personal information. The scammer will then use the information to:

  • Open new bank accounts
  • Invade the user’s accounts
  • Sell stolen information to other scammers
  • Commit other fraudulent activities

Users may also be asked to perform actions like resetting their passwords or downloading a program, which is actually malware.

How to identify a phishing email

Phishing emails are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. Here are some tips to help you recognize one:

  • Check the elements of the message like its domain, misspellings, or grammatical errors.
  • See if it comes with suspicious attachments, such as files with extensions like .exe or .zip.
  • The email comes from an unknown sender or you didn’t initiate the conversation in the first place.
  • It asks for your credentials or personal details.

What happens if you open a phishing email?

If you opened a fraudulent email, scammers may get information like your IP address or general location. Remember to not interact with the message’s contents:

  • Don’t download any attachments or click dubious links.
  • Don’t reply to the message.
  • Report the said email and delete it afterward.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it safe to read phishing emails?

Opening a suspicious email is usually harmless. The risk comes from downloading any malicious files or attachments.

Can just opening an email give you a virus?

Yes, if your email client allows scripting, opening a message can potentially give you a virus.

Do spam emails know if I open them?

Sometimes, cybercriminals can tell if you've opened a spam email. It's best to delete it without opening it to avoid being targeted for more spam.

How to report a phishing email

Before filing a report, make sure that you’ve accurately identified that it’s a phishing attack. Below are several ways to report it:

Gmail offers the option to report phishing by opening the email:

  1. Open the suspicious message.
  2. Click the three-dot icon (More) beside the reply button.
  3. Select Report phishing (fishing hook icon).

⚠️ However, Clean Email takes care of your security. We don't recommend opening suspicious emails. Instead, mark the email as spam without opening it.

  1. Select the message(s) you want to report.
  2. Then click the Spam button (exclamation mark) at the top.
Click the Spam buttonClick the Spam button

If you’re using Outlook.com:

Select the Report junk optionSelect the Report junk option

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