Differences Between Clean Email and Standard Email Clients

Unlike traditional email clients, Clean Email focuses on inbox cleaning and making it easy to keep your inbox clean and organized.

Here are some of Clean Email’s different features that are not included in typical email clients:


Some email clients and services now offer an “unsubscribe” option when viewing a message. Clean Email, in contrast, goes much further.

Clean Email provides a unified view of all subscriptions, grouped for easy unsubscribing. For example, if you were added to multiple email lists after purchasing from an ecommerce website--a very common situation--Clean Email combines all of the lists into a single group and offers a unified Unsubscribe button for the entire group of related subscriptions in one click.

Unsubscribe button for the entire group of related subscriptionsUnsubscribe button for the entire group of related subscriptions

Unlike other email clients, Clean Email does not just send an email message to unsubscribe you from a list. It will also follow the unsubscribe link and attempt to fill out the required forms on your behalf. In addition, Clean Email will block the sender so that you will not see any more messages in your inbox even if the sender ignores your unsubscribe requests, or requires a period of several days to “process” them.

Flexible Filters

While popular email clients and services include only limited options to sort and filter email–and these may be difficult to set up if you have a lot of messages–Clean Email offers many flexible filter options designed to be quick and easy to configure.

You can use filters to narrow down a list (e.g., only unread messages or messages older than a certain age). Many more filter options are available by clicking the funnel button.

Many more filter options are available by clicking the funnel buttonMany more filter options are available by clicking the funnel button

Messages Are Grouped

Messages are organized into groups. By default, they are grouped by sender, but you can click the Group By drop-down to control how the messages are grouped and quickly clean groups of messages.

Click the Group By drop-downClick the Group By drop-down

📌 Note: Applying any cleaning action to a group will apply it to all messages in the group.

Previewing Message Groups

Click any message group to preview messages.

Click any message group to preview messagesClick any message group to preview messages

Applying Settings for the Sender of a Group of Messages

When the default Group by option is selected, meaning that messages are grouped by sender, you can click the Settings button for a group to adjust sender settings. This includes blocking, unsubscribing, or controlling the folder to which the sender’s messages are delivered.

Click the Settings buttonClick the Settings button

Quick Access to Sender Settings

You can also click the drop-down next to Settings to see a quick list of commonly used settings.

The quick list of commonly used settingsThe quick list of commonly used settings

Here are a few examples of available sender settings:

A few examples of available sender settingsA few examples of available sender settings

Clean Email also offers a visual rule builder called Auto Clean for advanced rules and cleaning scenarios.

A visual rule builder called Auto CleanA visual rule builder called Auto Clean

Moving a Group of Messages to the Trash with a Single Click

Click the Trash button to move a message group to the trash.

Click the Trash buttonClick the Trash button

Accessing Additional Cleaning Options for a Message Group

You can click the drop-down next to a message group’s Trash button for additional cleaning options.

Click the drop-down next to TrashClick the drop-down next to Trash

For example, Clean Email offers unique actions like Keep Newest, which automatically deletes older mail from the same sender when a new message arrives, and Delete After, which automatically deletes the sender’s messages after a specified period of time.

Clean Email offers unique actions like Keep NewestClean Email offers unique actions like Keep Newest

Smart Folders

Clean Email also features built-in Smart Folders that combine common types of messages like “Food Delivery”, “Online Shopping”, and “Subscriptions and Newsletters”, among others. You can apply grouping, filtering, and cleaning actions in these Smart Folders–and even save your customized Smart Folders as favorites.

Smart Folders feature in Clean EmailSmart Folders feature in Clean Email

📌 Note: For more information on working with Smart Folders, please see our article here.

Cleaning Multiple Message Groups At Once

To clean multiple message groups at once, click the sender icon next to each group and then click an action from the action bar at the bottom of the page.

Click an action from the action bar at the bottom of the pageClick an action from the action bar at the bottom of the page


Clean Email offers a variety of features not found in services like Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook, such as Screener, which can easily do things like blocking mail from unknown senders or only allowing messages from people while blocking lists and subscriptions.

Stop spam emails with Screener feature in Clean EmailStop spam emails with Screener feature in Clean Email

Clean Email Helps You Organize and Read Your Mail

Clean Email is a service focused on helping you read and organize your email.

Many users combine a number of Clean Email’s predefined and commonly used rules as a simple way to manage their inboxes on an ongoing basis. For example, users frequently combine Clean Email’s ability to automatically delete all food delivery messages after a day, keep only the newest message from their favorite newsletters, and deliver messages to a dedicated folder to avoid inbox clutter.

Defining multiple rules like these would be impossible or extremely difficult and time-consuming in a traditional email client or service.

Clean Email Affects All of Your Mail Apps and Clients

Clean Email works directly with your email service and the results of your cleaning and automated actions are immediately reflected in your other email clients. This makes Clean Email a perfect companion to your established email routine or a primary email client.

All in all, Clean Email offers an easier way to manage your inbox and keep it clean with features not found in traditional email clients and services, and more power and control over what they claim are comparable features.

Do you have more questions?

Please contact us and we will be happy to help.