The Gmail Unsubscribe Button and How It Works

The Gmail unsubscribe button is used to remove your email address from someone’s mailing list. This stops you from receiving all those emails that flood your inbox every day. To unsubscribe from emails, Gmail has an easy button for you to click!

What is an Unsubscribe Button?

The unsubscribe button in Gmail is for those who no longer want to receive certain emails from mailing lists they have once signed up for.

However, it isn’t always easy to find this link since it may be hidden in the email content, or the link provided may not work.

If you are operating your mailing lists, it’s your job to ensure your readers can opt out easily, to prevent your emails from being marked as spam instead. Because sometimes it’s easier to mark emails as spam that clog up your inbox, rather than searching through text to find a link for unsubscribing.

Ways to Unsubscribe in Gmail

The Gmail unsubscribe option is available in a few locations within the email body, depending on where the email sender has chosen to put this link.

Once you click an Unsubscribe button in Gmail you will either be prompted to click it again, opt out via email or a separate landing page provided by the mailing list owner.

Ideally, those mailing lists will have multiple ways for you to unsubscribe from emails on Gmail to make the process easier and seamless.

1. Gmail Unsubscribe Button

This button is usually located at the top of the message of any of the newsletters you receive (if you get it from a legitimate sender).

Gmail unsubscribe button

When you click this button, you will be prompted to click another unsubscribing button within the pop-up. This button will redirect you to the dedicated page for unsubscribing from a mailing list sender.

Gmail unsubscribe button pop-up

2. Hidden Unsubscribing Link In The Email Content

If the sender of a message hasn’t provided any extra links in their emails to opt out, there will usually be a hidden link right at the bottom.

Hidden unsubscribing link in the email content

This proves rather frustrating for some readers since it can be hard to find, and the link sometimes isn’t always supported by Gmail.

When you click this link, you will be directed to the Unsubscribing landing page from a mailing list sender.

3. Does Gmail Really Unsubscribe You?

Gmail will opt out you from emails once you follow through with an unsubscribing link. However, this will only work if the link itself is supported by Gmail and is a working link. This is down to the email sender.

You may find this link isn’t available straight away, after a few emails one should appear, this is a common technique with mailing list providers.

If an unsubscribing button does not become available, you will have to report the message as spam or block the sender to stop receiving emails.

If an unsubscribing button does not become available

4. More Ways Of Unsubscribing From Emails

The other way you may find the Gmail unsubscribe button (or provide it to those signed up to your mailing list) is to use List-Unsubscribe or List-Unsubscribe-Post.


List-Unsubscribe is when an unsubscribing button is available within the header of a message (reference: Use of URLs as Meta-Syntax for Core Mail List Commands). Gmail now supports this way of unsubscribing by recognising emails that contain links to opt out within the meta-data of the header.

List-Unsubscribe unsubscribing button

The only negative to this method is that it may not ALWAYS work. If the data is faulty, or the link is inaccurately provided by the sender, Gmail won’t be able to recognise and include the unsubscribe button in Gmail.


List-Unsubscribe-Post is a newer, updated version of List-Unsubscribe. You can still provide both within your email, however, this version is an easier way to use a Gmail unsubscribe button.

Calling Clean Email’s Unsubscriber Tool

If the Gmail unsubscribe link provided within the body of emails you receive doesn’t work, feel relieved using the Clean Email Unsubscriber tool.

Unsubscriber makes it easy for you to move unwanted emails straight to the Trash. Keep your inbox clean and stop spam emails from cluttering your mailbox.

How Unsubscriber Works

  1. Head into the Unsubscriber tab on the left panel of the main app’s dashboard.
  2. Under the Unsubscriber header, you will see the number of subscriptions you have that are not sorted yet.
  3. See the number of subscriptions in Clean EmailSee the number of subscriptions in Clean Email
  4. All subscriptions are listed in alphabetical order to make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.
  5. All subscriptions are listed in alphabetical orderAll subscriptions are listed in alphabetical order
  6. You can then choose one of three options: Unsubscribe, Read Later, or Keep by simply clicking on a single button.
  7. When you click Unsubscribe, this instructs Clean Email to send an unsubscribing request to the sender and automatically move new incoming messages from that sender to Trash
  8. You can see how many subscriptions you have unsubscribed from by clicking the Unsubscribed tab at the top. Here you will see if any emails have been captured and deleted.
  9. How many subscriptions you have unsubscribed fromHow many subscriptions you have unsubscribed from
  10. You can always choose to resubscribe if you wish by clicking the Resume button.
  11. Choose to resubscribeChoose to resubscribe
  12. If you don’t want to receive the emails into your inbox or move them to trash, you can set a rule to automatically move emails to a Read Later folder. Keep your inbox clean, and all subscriptions in one place.
    Read Later folderRead Later folder

Clean Email also provides other handy features to help keep your inbox clean and tidy, making it easier for you to organise and stay productive. This email unsubscribe app always makes sure your information is secure and your privacy is protected.

Our Blog holds more relevant information on this topic. Check out our posts on how to unsubscribe from emails without a button and how to unsubscribe from emails on iPhone fast.

Gmail Unsubscribe - FAQs

Is there an unsubscribe button in Gmail?

Yes, you can find it located in the header of a message, or right at the bottom of the email.

How do I add an unsubscribe button to Gmail?

You can provide it by using a mailto and URL within the metadata of the header. Your email provider may already have a function to make this process easier.

Where is the unsubscribe button on Gmail?

You can find it within the header, the email body, or at the bottom of the message. Depending on how the mailing list provider has supplied their unsubscribing buttons.

How does Gmail unsubscribe work?

By clicking this link you will either be sent to another page to input your email address again or asked to select Unsubscribe again to confirm.

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